Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Different Families

Do Now: Draw yourself as a robot. Would you have any special powers?

"I can make sculptures. I am a show robot."

"My robot could open drinks and hold many stuff"

"My robot can do everything."

To start off class, the 1st and 2nd grade read one of my favorite childhood books  - "People" by Peter Spier. 

This book talks about, well, people, and the many similarities and differences between us. Though we all celebrate holidays, we celebrate different ones, and though we all have activities we enjoy, we all like to do different things. 

For our project today, the 1st and 2nd graders were inspired by both the message of "People", as well as the illustrations. 

The whole class made drawings of the same things, but each pictures ended up different! Each student received a piece of paper divided into 4 sections, and were told to draw something specific in each rectangle.

In the top left corner, "My family's favorite activity is...."

In the top right corner, "My family's house looks like this..."

In the bottom left corner, "A holiday my family celebrates is..." 

And in the bottom right corner, "My family's favorite food is..."

At the end of our lesson we reflected on how different everyone's pictures were, but how beautiful and interesting they looked all together!

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