Monday, November 11, 2013

Intro to Author/Illustrators:

Peter H. Reynolds 

Do Now: Draw a picture of yourself if you had something growing from your head instead of hair! What would it be? Make sure to explain!

"I drew brownies [coming] out [of] my head."

"Instead of hair growing out of my head I would have snakes so I can be like Medusa and whoever looks at my will turn to stone."

"I have striped ice cream growing on my head because I love ice cream with a cherry on top."

"I will have cakes growing out of my head. I will have gummy worming growing out of my head. I will have fire coming out of my head."

"Spaghetti is growing inside my head!!!"

"I drew butterflies out of my head. They are very funny!"

"I had muffins coming out of my head."

"I would have idea cream, crayons, snakes, people, spaghetti, grass,  and a tree with arms and marhsmellows  instead of hair."

Today the 1st and 2nd grade began a new unit, "Authors as Illustrators." In this unit, we will spend a week or so on a children's author/illustrator. We will read their books, study their illustrations, and make art in their style.

This week, we are focusing on Peter H. Reynolds . We read Peter's book "The Dot" earlier this year, and spent today reading and discussing his second book, "Ish" .

"Ish" tells the story of Ramon, a young boy who loves to draw "Anytime, anything, anywhere." Ramon gets discouraged that his paintings and drawings aren't realistic, until his younger sister points out that his art is realistic-"ish". Ramon realizes that "ish" art is just as good as realistic art, and he produces more paintings and drawings then ever before.

Want to read the whole book? Listen to a recording of "Ish" below…

For our Ish-inspired project, we first discusses Reynolds' style of illustration. He uses black pen to draw simple pictures, then adds a bit of color by using watercolors. 

Each student chose something to draw and paint - either an object, a feeling, a time, or a place - and labeled their picture. For example, if a student drew a bed, they would label it "bed-ish". After labeling, students drew a picture in pencil, traced it in black marker, and painted it with watercolors.

We will finish next week, but take a look at what we have so far…

Take a look at a few more photos on Harlem Academy's Facebook page, here.

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