Wednesday, January 15, 2014

North America: Jamaica 

Do Now: Draw something besides rain falling form the sky on a cloudy day. 

Today, we continued our study of North America by learning about the island of Jamaica. 

Jamaica is in the Caribbean 

Mr. Bell, one of the 3rd grade teachers at Harlem Academy, lived in Jamaica until he was 13 years old. We were very lucky today - Mr. Bell agreed to come to class to talk to us about Jamaica!

Mr. Bell talked about his childhood house, his family, the type of food that he ate, and about what his school was like. 

Next, he showed us the Jamaican Coat of Arms. 

He explained the symbols of the Coat of Arms, as well as the motto "Out of Many One People." People from Jamaica came from all over the world, so though there are different groups living there, they are all Jamaican. 

For our class project, we made our own Coat of Arms. Each person brainstormed symbols that represented them, then drew them on their own Coat of Arms. 

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